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Idk how to play

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also rapparep, do you think you can make this character into a baldi's basics plus mod?
his name is mr. soca

nice 2019 mod, one small recommendation, give "this" instead of classic lays chips to baldi

how do I play

I like chips too

What a nostalgic mod.

Yeah it is

can please make baldi loves pringles

im bored so i'll make your mod request


change the lays to doritos


No this is a chip mod ok?

lol baldi loves chip

Baldi loves lays classic

now give this to him

Salgadinho Doritos Queijo 167g - Elma Chips |

i love this mod but on my 3rd try i beat my first baldi's basics gameplay im so happy

On the 1st try i beat it, it was kinda easy

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this mod is a classic

If you guys love chips play this game:

I think it's gone.

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i found this: this was made before this one.

Nom nom nom nom nom

I did it

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

baldi loves chips. thats all i gotta say.

I got the mod too

(1 edit)

I Found a rip-off about this

why do stupid mobile game makers decide to take litterly really G O  O D Games man and take them only for them to be a prank

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I Didn't  made this

Lol i know right! 

Those mod thieves I will get them

thats just disappointing how they steal mods for money i mean this is worse then the og baldi's basics rip off

yeah >:(

THEY ARE NOT STEALING THIS IS A FRIENDLY BALDIS BASICS MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish it's gone.

99 days ago

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Lol I found a Google play version!

(1 edit)

Now, there is will be an Baldi Loves Chips Rip-Offs and inspiration mods

I beat this Mod.


Epic mod I like it
